Post by The Writer on Mar 12, 2021 16:28:14 GMT
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is this based on?
A: This role play is based on the television series: Bridgerton.
Q: Do I have to have watched the show in order to join?
A: Not at all! If you enjoy writing in this era, without having any knowledge of the show (i.e. characters, events, etc) you are still more than welcome to join. We have informational threads to help you navigate through different plot points and such should you like to do so.
Q: Is there a set timeline on the site?
A: No. Threads can take place any time before, during, or after any of the episodes. We also have an AU section where you can have "What If..." threads.
Q: How many times do I have to post as my character?
A: We ask that you post at least once a week. If you have multiple characters, then that is once a week per character.
Q: How many characters am I allowed to have?
A: You are permitted to have as many made up characters as you like, however please remember the posting requirement and don't take more than you can handle. While we have no set rule limiting the number of canons, we ask that you remain fair to others and not take 2 canons that would create too much of a plot conflict. For example: someone taking both Daphne and Simon.
Q: Do I have to wait for the admin to approve my bio?
A: Yes. We require that you wait until bio approval before posting anywhere in the role play, plotting in the Setting On Your Path board, or requesting graphics. You will receive a PM from us when your bio has been approved.
Q: Can I apply for canon characters that are not in the cast list?
A: Yes. Since there are so many characters, we have only listed a few of the main ones, but any canons not listed there are assumed to be open for application.
Q: Can I apply for canon characters that died in the series?
A: Yes. However if you wish to play that canon, then you can only have threads that take place before their death in the "Canon Role Plays" board. Or if you would like threads that take place where they did not die or somehow returned, then those threads must be posted in the "AU Role Plays" board.
Q: Can I apply for characters that were in the books but not the show?
A: Yes. However, these characters would be considered Made Up Characters [Original Characters]. Furthermore, please keep in mind that as we follow the show, if the character you created does appear in the series, you may be asked to change them to fit the show (i.e. model, history, personality, etc).
Q: Which boards are role play ones?
A: Any boards listed under the category "Canon Role Plays" and "AU Role Plays" are boards for role play threads to be posted in. Please do not post any rp threads outside of these boards.
Q: Am I allowed to be in more than one thread at one time?
A: Yes. You are permitted to have your character in more than one thread at one time since there is no set timeline on the board. Just be sure you can keep track of all the threads you are in and that you can handle all of them. A suggestion would be bookmarking them to keep track or have a thread tracker.